Long-stay visas are only issued for work, study, to live with partners or for family reunification. The non EU citizen living in Belgium must be holder of a residence permit with a limited stay period ( A card) or with an unlimited and permanent stay period (B, C, D card). Non-EU nationals must register at the nearest municipal office within eight days of arrival in Belgium. After five years of continuous residence in Belgium After five years of legal and continuous residence in Belgium, EU/EEA and Swiss citizens automatically acquire the right to permanent residence in Belgium (residence card E+). Individuals who wish to obtain residency in Belgium should know that this is divided into two categories: temporary and permanent. If you already have a permanent residence document, it will … The university will be applying for my student visa/student residence ID to the Netherlands. Non-registered partners: proof of relationship If your family member is economically dependent on you, you will need to prove this (e.g. Belgium is one of the most attractive countries in Europe in terms of business, residence, citizenship and taxation. Data on residence permits are collected with information on the reasons … The first one is awarded when moving to Belgium for work or study purposes as well as for starting a business or making an investment. Otherwise, you will be unable to gain access to Belgian territory. Questions and Answers – the rights of EU and UK citizens, as outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement. Who Is Eligible for an EU Long-Term Residence Permit? Questions and Answers – the rights of EU and UK citizens, as outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement. Upon arrival in Belgium, you will have to apply for a residence permit or declaration of presence at the local government office in your place of residence.The residence card entitles you to reside/live in Belgium for a fixed period of time.You can leave and return to Belgium until the expiry date. On 1 January 2021, the rules for EU citizens living in or moving to the UK will change. This includes non‑EU family members. Fast Track Property Investment for Non-EU Citizens The municipality then registers you on the foreigner’s population register. The general rule is to obtain a D visa (long-term visa) from the Embassy in your home country before you arrival in Brussels! Student: proof of enrollment with a Belgian school or university is needed, along with proof of sufficient means of subsistence. If their application is rejected, the authorities must … A Long-Term Residence Permit has … Thus, anyone entering Belgium with the intention to stay in excess of 90 days and intends to work or study in the country must have a long term visa or entry permit … Recently I got admitted to a Masters course in Netherlands for fall 2016. Brexit: how UK nationals and their family members resident in an EU country can stay there after 31 December 2020. To come to Belgium for a long period or permanently, there are other types of residence … It is useful to note that the visa application takes place before arriving in Belgium, however, in … EU nationals who intend to reside in the country for more than 90 days (the permitted maximum period without a residence permit) need to submit an application that is based on their status. Your other option is to demonstrate that you have “significant means” t… there were 11,431,406 people living in the country; 1,198,726 individuals were living in the Brussels-Capital Region; the Flemish Region had 6,552,967 inhabitants; the Walloon Region had 3,624,377 inhabitants. In principle a Belgian work permit is required for any non-EU/EEA/Swiss national coming to work in Belgium. What is a residence permit? For more information from the Belgian government: A valid passport or identity card issued by the applicants country of origin, A certificate of good conduct/criminal background check pertaining to the prior five years (issued by the national police of the former country or countries of residence), Medical certificate from a doctor approved by the Belgian government, Birth certificate or marriage certificate (it may be necessary to certify and translate these), Birth certificates for the children of the applicant. If you are a UK national, you and your family may need to apply for a new residence status in the EU country where you are living. EC residence permit for long-term residents Get a head start by making a more significant investment to acquire a category 6.2 residency permit. A residence permit represents an authorisation issued by the competent national authorities allowing a national of a non-member (non-EU) country (also known as a third country national) to stay for at least three months on its territory. Before arrival in Belgium, non-EU nationals and nationals of new EU-member states must apply for a long-stay visa if it is required. Non-EU/EFTA nationals Third-country nationals (non-EU/EFTA citizens) will normally need a Belgian visa for any long-term stay (over 90 days) in Belgium. Non-EU nationals who wish to stay in the country for more than three months, thus to obtain residency in Belgium, will need to observe a set of different formalities, starting with obtaining the D visa type (the one for long-term purposes) issued by the Embassy or Consulate in one’s country of origin. The police are generally the one entrusted to observe the movements of the population and the criteria for establishing if an individual is actually living at the indicated location is based on several criteria: If you would like to know more about the inquiries made by the municipality on the status of the individuals within their territory, please reach out to our immigration lawyer in Belgium. Our team provides complete and ongoing services for those who wish to obtain residency in Belgium. The UDI website has the information you need to … EU nationals can obtain permanent residency in Belgium after an uninterrupted stay of five years (based on temporary residence permits). During your visit to the municipality, be sure to have your residence permit with you. It is useful to note that the visa application takes place before arriving in Belgium, however, in some particular cases, the application can also be submitted with the municipal administration in the area where the applicant lives or will live in Belgium. of more than 90 days) at the town or city hall of the municipality where they reside, and to carry a residence permit valid during their stay. To apply for an EU residence permit for non-EU citizens you must meet several conditions. The right of residence can be granted to all citizens, irrespective of their country of origin, who come to the country lawfully and provide the relevant documents for their purpose of stay (employment, jobseeker, a student accepted at a Belgian university, investor, or others). Once approved and registered, the registrant will receive a residence permit. Once approved and registered, the registrant will receive a residence permit. After five years of residence the foreigner may request an EC Long -Term Residence Permit which is a permit allowing the holder to stay for an indefinite period. While a visa is required for a foreign person to enter the territory of Bulgaria, a residence permit must be obtained subsequent to the entry, in case this person is willing to stay in Bulgaria for more than 90 days.. Germany (23%), Italy (18%), France (14%), Spain (13%) and the United Kingdom (8%) accounted for three quarters of all valid residence permits granted to non-EU … Permanent residence documents for EU, EEA or Swiss citizens You can no longer apply for a UK permanent residence document. EU citizens working in Belgium must have a full EU/EEA passport or identity card. Non-EU nationals must register at the nearest municipal office within eight days of arrival in Belgium. Some examples are the following: These are just some examples of the status for which an EU national can apply for temporary Belgian residency. Foreigners with another nationality may need a visa. If as a non-EU citizen you want to stay more than three months in Belgium, you are classified as a resident and will have to go through a range of formalities to obtain a residence permit. I am a non-EU citizen, residing in Belgium as a dependent to my spouse (non-EU as well). The freedom to move to another EU country to work without need for a work permit is a right granted to EU nationals. After you arrive in Belgium: residence permit and registration Within eight days of arriving in Belgium, you must visit your local municipality (maison communale/gemeentehuis) to request your residence permit. To obtain Work Permit A, you must show that you have worked on a type B Belgian Work Permit for four years within a ten-year, uninterrupted residence in Belgium. For more information from the Belgian government: Click here To come to Belgium as a foreigner you must be able to present certain identity and residence documents. Switzerland has imposed strict limitations as to how many non-EU/EFTA citizens they will issue residency permits … The aim of the new single permit is to simplify this administrative procedure for applicants and unify procedures throughout Europe. However in this last case, the B, C, or D card must have been issued since at least 1 year (except for certain specific cases). A Long-Term Residence Permit is granted to non-EU nationals who have resided legally and continuously in Cyprus for a period of at least five years. These permits are issued for the following applicants: the spouse of an A permit holder, the non – EU spouse of a Belgian national, the non – EU spouse of an EU citizen resident in Belgium and any foreigner with five years of uninterrupted legal residency in Belgium. A temporary residence permit is valid for one year from date of issue. The authorities should make their decision to issue a residence card or not within 6 months.If they do not do so, you can call on our assistance services.In any case, your non-EU family members cannot be expelled if their visa expired while their application is being processed. Citizens of non-EU countries who are members of the family of a British citizen (who moved to France prior to 31 December 2020) will be entitled to a residence permit due to their family connections. The same applies to UK nationals living in or moving to an EU country. Please keep in mind that our team is ready to answer any detailed questions that may apply in your particular case. Before coming to Norway. After you arrive in Belgium: residence permit and registration Within eight days of arriving in Belgium, you must visit your local municipality (maison communale/gemeentehuis) to request your residence permit. The BRP Belgium Residence Program (BRP) is a fixed-fee service package provided by for non-EU citizens who are interested in obtaining a residence permit in Belgium. Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or the right to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. I have permanent residence in the UK/EU or will acquire it during … These rights depend on their nationality or their status and are … You must have lived in the EU country where you apply for at least 5 years. The following data was available at the start of 2018, as published by the Statistical Office: Contact us for more details about Belgium immigration, obtaining residency, citizenship, and handling different other issues related to living in the country. One of our Belgium immigration lawyers can provide details on the separate process of applying for the permanent residence permit. Apply for a residence permit, and visa if applicable . For EU citizens, the identity card or a passport is generally sufficient. I have permanent residence in the UK/EU or will acquire it during the transition period The question of the right to residence in Belgium arises from the conditions to receiving the guaranteed minimum income, and known as integration income, revenu d’intégration or leefloon. For EU citizens, the right of free travel within the Union, as well as their granted ability to seek employment in a Member State, may make the process a little simpler than for non-EU nationals. (Uninterrupted meaning that you have not left Belgium for more than a year at a time.) Employee: an individual who has taken up employment in the country will provide a valid employment contract; Jobseeker: in the event in which no job has been secured, the applicant will provide evidence of his efforts (application letters); Self-employment: proof of registration with the. All non-EU/ EEA citizens staying in Norway for more than 90 days must apply for a residence permit. Holders of this residence card type are registered in the foreigner’s registry. The Belgium immigration process starts with a temporary residence permit. EU and non-EU nationals who obtain residency in Belgium need to be aware of the fact that the residency status is subject to control by the municipality. If one is a non-EU citizen, in order to stay in Belgium for more than 3 months, he or she needs a temporary residence permit, resident card or retired residence permit. Residency Permits for Non-EU Citizens There are four types of residence card: Temporary residence permit (Carte de Séjour temporaire) valid for a maximum of one year (renewable) Residence permit "skills and talents" (Carte de Séjour "compétences et talents") valid three years (renewable) Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or the right to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. This is why getting in touch with one of our agents is highly recommended before coming to the country or, in any case, before submitting the actual documents for approval. Germany (23%), Italy (18%), France (14%), Spain (13%) and the United Kingdom (8%) accounted for three quarters of all valid residence permits granted to non-EU citizens. In any case your nationality will evidently not be enough to obtain the right of residence. Non-EU nationals who wish to stay in the country for more than three months, thus to obtain residency in Belgium, will need to observe a set of different formalities, starting with obtaining the D visa type (the one for long-term purposes) issued by the Embassy or Consulate in one’s country of origin. In addition, you may also need to apply for a visa depending on your nationality. In this article, we answer some common questions and briefly outline the general application process. EU citizens become eligible for the minimum income after living here legally for only three months, compared to five years for non-EU citizens. Any non-EU national intending to reside in Belgium for more than three months for employment, study, investment or other purposes will need to submit the following documents for the D visa: Certified translations are required in many cases. The deadline to apply varies from country to country. the visa application form together with 2 passport photographs; a certificate of good conduct and a medical certificate; if the person lives at that address for most of the time; if the children go to school in the area; if the address is the one for which the gas, electricity, and water invoices are received. While the timeline toward citizenship has increased in recent years, the cost to obtain a residence permit in Belgium has gone down. The residence card is valid for 5 years. Data are based on the regulatory framework provided by Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 on migration and international protection statistics. by showing proof of money transfers) and you will also need to prove that you can financially support your family member in Belgium. Our team of Belgium immigration lawyers can assist EU and non-EU citizens who are looking to obtain residency in Belgium, whether they wish to do so permanently or temporarily. You can obtain residency in Belgium by starting a small business with as little as €12,400 in paid-up capital if you’re also able to hire at least one part-time employee. Non-EU citizens looking to invest in property can select between two categories. The municipality then registers you on the foreigner’s population register. This article presents European Union (EU) statistics on first residence permits issued to non-EU citizens during each reference year (in other words, detailing the flow of migrants). You have two options to report your departure from Belgium: Either by going voluntarily to the Aliens service, a document of deregistration called "Model 8" will be given in exchange for your residence permit. One of our immigration lawyers in Belgium can help non-EU nationals during this process. If one is a non-EU citizen, in order to stay in Belgium for more than 3 months, he or she needs a temporary residence permit, resident card or retired residence permit. I want to move to the UK/EU. On 1 January 2021, the rules for EU citizens living in or moving to the UK will change. EEA nationals are free to enter Belgium for up to three months to look for work or set up a business. The BRP Belgium Residence Program (BRP) is a fixed-fee service package provided by for non-EU citizens who are interested in obtaining a residence permit in Belgium. Home Registration immigration Registering for a stay of more than 3 months non eu Belgian law requires all foreigners to register their long-term stay (i.e. The second one is a natural transition for those who wish to live in the country permanently. You must have the financial means to support yourself. There are various types of residence permits, depending on the purposes of stay and a differentiated regime applies to EU and non-EU citizens. Belgium is one of the most attractive countries in Europe in terms of business, residence, citizenship and taxation. For example, scientific researchers or those holding permanent residence permits entitling indefinite stay in Belgium are exempt from requiring a Belgian work permit. The same applies to UK nationals living in or moving to an EU country. The country now requires less paid-up capital in a new venture and has changed rules regarding minimum salary for those seeking residence. The process is not a complicated one, however, all applicants are asked to provide the documents that justify their stay and the application is accepted or rejected based on the accuracy of the submitted data. Application for a residence permit submitted by a non-EU National under the conditions of entry and residence of Third country nationals for the purpose of Highly Qualified Employment (Blue Card) Economic Self Sufficiency – CEA Form K Moving to Belgium is also possible for trainees (based on a traineeship contract) or for family members (a partner, spouse, or children) under the family reunification purpose. In the EU, check with your host country’s authorities as soon as possible if it is mandatory to apply for a new residence status. For those willing to wait longer, a smaller investment in Cyprus provides a category F residency. Citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) – which includes the European Union (EU), Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein – don’t require a work permit for Belgium if they want to find employment in the country. After five years of continuous residence in Belgium After five years of legal and continuous residence in Belgium, EU/EEA and Swiss citizens automatically acquire the right to permanent residence in Belgium (residence card E+). The eligibility criteria for an EU long-term residence permit are as follows. Once resident in Belgium, resident foreigners may travel within Europe to countries that have signed the Schengen Treaty. Switzerland Residence Permits for EU/EFTA and non-EU/EFTA citizens One of the first things that are considered when issuing a Swiss residence permit is the applicant’s nationality. It can be renewed for a further two years, and again two years after that. Non-EU citizens wishing to work in Belgium had to first obtain a valid residence permit from the Immigration Office. You must apply for the Belgian Work Permit A yourself. The freedom to move to another EU country to work without need for a work permit is a right granted to EU nationals. These rights depend on their nationality or their status and are determined by different legal instruments At the end of 2017, there were 20.3 million valid residence permits granted to non-EU citizens permitting them to reside in one of the European Union (EU) Member States. In the UK, you must however apply to the EU settlement scheme to be granted a new residence status. After five years of temporary residence, you can apply for a permanent residence permit (or citizenship). For shorter stays under 90 days, residents of many countries must apply for a short-stay visa. At the end of 2017, there were 20.3 million valid residence permits granted to non-EU citizens permitting them to reside in one of the European Union (EU) Member States. Then they had to request a work permit from the relevant regional authority. There are exceptions, however, depending on the nature of activities or residence status of the foreigner. Belgium was named the “capital of Europe” and this is also true for the high number of foreign nationals living in the country. Any third-country national (non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens) who has resided legally and continuously in Belgium for five years on the basis of employment is entitled to an electronic residence card type B. A permanent residence permit has to be renewed every five years. 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