English ivy and ginkgo are both very interesting plants, but they actually belong to different biological families. Today, Christians consider holly symbolic of Jesus Christ in two ways. The explanation that is considered to be most likely for the origin of the term is its mention by a newspaper reporter named Caswell Adams. 9/30 - 10/27: The power of the Ivy lies in its ability to cling and bind, making it a potent symbol of determination and strength to the Druids.Ivy has been known to strangle trees and was once a portent of death and spiritual growth. A cap of ivy was used to try to cure diseases of the scalp in the young, and a poultice of ivy was often made up to apply to corns! I love to see it climb walls of brick homes. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Alpha (A), the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega (Ω), the last letter, are often found combined into a single symbol representing Christ.. It can climb to great heights, using its aerial roots to create strong attachments to its support as it ascends. The Holly and the Ivy. The city contained a mint. The vegetative and climbing stage of English ivy is the most noticeable and the one that most people are familiar with. This growth symbolizes connections you already have in your life, or ones you desire to make. It's a climbing, trailing, and creeping vine that forms dense coverings over trees and other supports. Ivy has certainly had an interesting history. The name "ivy" is from the Old English word "ifig," which may come from the Old High German words "ebahgwi," "ebawi" and "ebah." Spiritually, ivy symbolises immortality and eternal life. Particularly for me it was interesting to learn of the possible origins of the 'Ivy League' Universities - a term I have often wondered about. I loved learning so much here on the symbolism and traditions as to the Ivy plant and the Holly as well ... very interesting indeed. Dionysus sometimes carries a kantharos, or drinking cup, as well as a thyrsus. If its growth is unchecked, it can travel from one plant to another and bind the plants together. Temptation, A Spiritual Poison Ivy. My wife and I had bought it for $10 back in 2009 and have gifted many planters to our friends asking for it after buying from the same outlet. Latin: Hedera Helix. It is also associated with fertility because of its rapid growth. Nay, Ivy, nay, it shall not be, I wis,Let Holly have the mastery as the manner is. Apparently, Adams complained about having to cover a game between either two "ivy covered" or two "ivy league" universities. Ever furrowing and intertwining, the ivy is an example of the twists and turns our friendships take – but also a testimony to the long-lasting connections and bonds we form with our friends that last over the years. THank you fo sharing. Natural and Spiritual Aspects of Poison Ivy Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is "a shrub or climbing vine, older stems of vines fastened to trees by a dense growth of aerial rootlets and often climbing into treetops. English ivy travels along the ground and also climbs up vertical supports such as tree trunks, fence posts, and walls. Like you, I think that it's a pretty plant. Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on May 05, 2014: Hi Linda. Other people dislike the plant for its rapid growth and its ability to cover other plants and block sunlight. I love the way ivy look framing a home or garden fence. Meanings English Baby Names Meaning: In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Ivy is: Faithfulness. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on November 27, 2019: Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 01, 2019: Thank you very much, Maren. English: Ivy … Because it is forever green, it is a symbol of fidelity and eternal life. Some of the university buildings are covered with ivy, and in the 1800s the students at some of the institutions planted ivy as an annual tradition. She loves to study nature and write about living things. Maren Elizabeth Morgan from Pennsylvania on May 04, 2014: Lovely, lovely topic and article. If the fundamental conceptual symbolism was lost in that little introduction, evergreen represents life and eternity (essentially immortality), along with clinging attachment. Ivy is an emblem of striving for notoriety and honor, such as the “ivy leagues.” Among Druids and the ancient Greeks, this symbolized blessings for a union, specifically used during weddings. Ivy is an interesting plant. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on May 04, 2014: Thank you, Alun. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on October 15, 2014: Thank you, sujaya venkatesh. Voted up interesting and informative. Christmas holly and ivy go together as good-luck plants. In ancient Greece ivy was the plant of Dionysus because of its vigour. Bards were given a crown of Ivy to give them honour. Seven blooms on a stalk represent the seven gifts of the Spirit. Spiralling inward and outward, seeking enlightenment and companionship. Marie Hurt from New Orleans, LA on May 06, 2014: I liked reading about the symbolism because I had no idea. Hail: This ice falls from the sky and barrages the dreamer’s landscape, symbolizing a torrent of personal, social, political, or religious dogma that seems to overshadow simple, straightforward faith. Yes, symbolism can sometimes be very meaningful. I appreciate your kind comment, the vote and the share. The Ivy League is a group of eight private and prestigious universities in the northeastern United States. Revelation 22:13 in the King James version of the Bible says "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (When love shall vanquish folly.) Ivy clings to any surface, making it a perfect representation of wedded love and fidelity. Considered to be powerful indeed by the Celts because of its ability to kill even the mightiest Oak, the Ivy has a tendency to create dense, inpenetrable thickets in the forest. Nearly all types of ivy are evergreen, meaning it does not die or lose it’s … Once you plant ivy, it will grow more or less on its own and should be pruned and kept under strict control to stop it from taking over. The carol is thought to date from the late 1400s. In the Middle Ages, ivy was still associated with wine. Dennis Hoyman from Southwestern, Pennsylvania on May 06, 2014: This is Gardener Den I love your hub on growing English Ivy and the history of English Ivy. The hardy, evergreen leaf of the ivy denotes immortality and rebirth or regeneration. English ivy was said to grow abundantly over the mythical mountain of Nysa, the childhood home of Dionysus, which may explain the link between ivy and the god. It's a beautiful plant. The poet Alexander Pope wearing a crown of ivy; the crown was traditionally associated with a poet of esteem, Painting by Sir Godfrey Kneller, circa 1721, via Wikimedia Commons. It was likely these persistent qualities that lead such ancient civilizations to come to associate ivy with Osiris who could bestow immortality upon his devotees, as well as Dionysus, the god of fertility. Celtic: Gort This song is known as "The Holly and the Ivy". It's a free magazine so it doesn't pay, but writers get a free ad and a plug for your website or hubpages profile or whatever you want. Voted up. in conjunction with hallucinogenic mushrooms create a frenzy and induce vision, Ivy, spiral of revelation The Ivy is much misunderstood and is assumed that it strangles the host it climbs. The lyrics are somewhat puzzling. The outside of your home must look beautiful. Blossom Time: Ivy blooms in the later part of summer up to the early fall. For … In ancient Egypt ivy was dedicated to Osiris, who represented immortality. Ivy represented peace to the Druids of old, perhaps because of its ability to bind different plants or even different kinds of plants together. Thank you very much for the kind comment, Maren Morgan! I appreciate your support. I pulled a weed the other day. Robert Graves allocates this tree to a month stretching from December 24th to January 20th, using a calendar of thirteen months, since both Caesar and Pliny reported that the Druids divided their year into lunar months. Nearly all types of ivy are evergreen, meaning it does not die or lose it’s leaves in the winter. Red wine grapes; both grapes and ivy were symbols of Dionysus, Finy, via pixabay.com, Public Domain CC0 License. Small amounts of Ivy tea are said to dilate blood vessels, while large amounts can cause them to contract. Christmas evergreens represent endurance while the berries represent resurrection of life.