All this, however, must necessarily be of the nature of the purest speculation, and the only facts which we are able to deduce in the present state of our knowledge of the subject may be summed up as follows: (a) That the Malays ethnologically belong to a race which is allied to the Polynesians; (b) that the theory formerly current to the effect that the Sakai and other similar races of the peninsula and archipelago belonged to the Malayan stock cannot be maintained, since recent investigations tend to identify them with the Mon-Annam or Mon-Khmer family of races; (c) that the Malays are, comparatively speaking, newcomers in the lands which they now inhabit; (d) that it is almost certain that their emigration took place from the south; (e) and that, at some remote period of their history, they came into close contact with the Polynesian race, probably before its dispersion over the extensive area which it now occupies. To group (a) belong territorial differences in regard to ownership of land and rights of fishing at sea; to group (b) belong pecuniary claims in respect of acts wrongfully done to one or more subjects of one state by, or with the authority of, another state. c. 82) belong to the Church courts; but not questions of lapse or stipend. Examples: turn down, run into, sit up.There are tens of thousands of them, and they are in everyday, constant use. The very extensive pumice deposits at Neuwied and the lava and other volcanic rocks belong to a more recent epoch. The patriarchal narratives themselves belong to the popular stock of tradition of which only a portion has been preserved. It was Moses Mendelssohn's German translation of the Pentateuch (1 7 80 - 1 793) which marked the new spirit, while the views of his opponents belong to a bygone age. Some appear written for the first time in the book of Jubilees, in " the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs " (both perhaps 2nd century B.C.) The new series of " Creation " and " Deluge " tablets from Nippur, published by Poebel & Langdon, 39 also belong to the realm of the historian and anthropologist rather than to that of the archaeologist, so are merely mentioned here; the excavation in which they were found being now ancient history. The subject is completing the action. Belong definition, to be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. Yes, I am a woman who may belong to anyone--to you too, said her glance. belong. Sentence formation. Below Bingen the formations belong almost entirely to the PostTertiary period. Verb . These mountains belong to the Carpathians and the Alps, which are separated by the valley of the Danube. This national force is divided into actives and reserves, the strength of the first being fixed by Congress, and all the rest, of unknown number, belong to the latter. At the western foot of the Ida massif calcareous beds with corals, brachiopods (Rhvnchonella inconstans, &c.) have been found, the fossils indicating the horizon of the Kimmeridge clay. Deidre held no warmth at all for Darkyn, but she could understand that the girl didn't belong in this mess. Animals, 1877), they really belong to the labial segment which has not become completely fused with the headcapsule. Russia has no oceanic possessions; her islands are all appendages of the mainland to which they belong. The verb form is highlighted. All members that belong to the same category are sitting together. of Svyatoi Nos on the Kola peninsula belong to a separate zoological region, connected with, and hardly separable from, that part of the Arctic Ocean which washes the Siberian coast as far as the mouth of the Lena. In some cases, you can take an adjective and simply add -ly to form an adverb. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Using the correct verb and noun collocations is the difference between natural and unnatural English. They are post-exilic in their whole tone and belong to a time when prophecy had ceased and the synagogue worship was fully established (lxxiv. Belong Verb Forms: Check All 1st First, 2nd - Second form of Belong and 3rd - third form of Belong (Past Participle) in english. This process had probably already begun in a small way in the growth of institutions which belong to the economic side of feudalism, the organization of agriculture on the great estates. Belong tois a phrasal verb, it can be used in a couple of different ways. The Khmers or Cambodians, whose languages appear to belong to the Man-Annam group, form a relatively ancient kingdom, much reduced in the last few centuries by the advance of the Siamese and now a French protectorate. If I understand correctly, both "own" and "belong" are stative verbs, no matter how you use them, but the stative/active distinction is independent of the transitive/ intransitive distinction. between the Nonni 'and the Sungari, and the rich plains of the Bureya and Silinji in the Amur province belong to this belt, 400 m. Geographically, though not administratively, the steppe provinces of Akmolinsk and Semipalatinsk belong to Siberia. Must in the last sentence is an example of a modal verb. All these documents, like Addai, belong probably to the 2nd half of the 4th century, and are quite unreliable in detail for the historian,' though they may throw some light on the conditions of life at Edessa under Roman government. These words can be useful in writing and speaking English. Where does this document belong? The fortresses in the basin of the Po chiefly belong to the era of divided Italy and are now out of date; the chief coast fortresses are Vado, Genoa, Spezia, Monte Argentaro, Gacta, Straits of Messina, Taranto, Maddalena. Some of them migrated from districts which belong to eastern Asia, but none of them penetrated into India by eastern passes. The merit and glory of that singular affair belong to Elizabeth alone. Belong definition, to be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. Intermediate cases in which a few zones only are formed belong especially to the province of diffraction. All Rights Reserved. She belonged to no club and was a member of nothing in the world. The Osiris cycle of legends seems to belong to these people. Conjugation. Stem. a) This property is/was belongs/belong to us. A collocation means that two or more words often go together. Belong definition is - to be suitable, appropriate, or advantageous. 1682, but the sculptures which it contains belong probably to the time of the caliphate. I t may, however, be pointed out that Brachiopods seem to belong to that class of animal which commences life as a larva with three segments, and that tri-segmented larvae have been found now in several of the larger groups. It is singular that only the first three of them belong to the order Passeriformes, a proportion which is not maintained in any other tropical region. These three parts belong strictly to Eurasia. Crystals of azurite belong to the monoclinic system; they have a vitreous lustre and are translucent. (of a person) To be accepted in a group. The chief trees belong to the orders of Terebinthaceae, Sapindaceae, Meliaceae, Clusiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, Leguminosae, laurels, oaks and figs, with Dilleniaceae, Sapotaceae and nutmegs. ro, and does not rather belong to a later period.'. Ephemeridae belong to a very ancient type of insects, and fossil imprints of allied forms occur even in the Devonian and Carboniferous formations. The fragments do not all belong to one copy. Representatives of their race are also found scattered among the Malayan villages throughout the country, and also along the coast, but these have intermixed so much with the Malays, and have acquired so many customs, &c., from their more civilized neighbours, that they can no longer be regarded as typical of the race to which they belong. Grammar. He promises also to do right concerning forests, abbeys and the wardship of lands which belong lawfully to others. The best Sienese historians belong to the 16th century. Translation. 0. Basic forms are gehört, gehörte and hat gehört. He tasted the dessert. belong (bi-lang) An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. The Albigensian Crusades, however, belong to French history; and it can only be noted here that their ultimate result was the absorption of the fertile lands, and the extinction of the peculiar civilization, of southern France by the northern monarchy. Enderlein (1901) that these cerci clearly belong to a partially suppressed eleventh segment, and R. Heymons (1895-1896) has proved by embryological study that in all cases they really belong to this eleventh segment, which in the course of development becomes fused with the tenth. The Somali belong to the Eastern (Ethiopic) Hamitic family of tribes, of which the other chief members are the neighbouring Galla and Afar, the Abyssinian Agau and the Beja tribes between the Nubian Nile and the Red Sea. verb intransitive (followed by to) To be a part of a group. If there are more than one sentence, an example with the German verb gehören is selected. The coming of the Norman ruled that these lands should be neither Saracen nor Greek, nor yet Italian in the same sense as northern Italy, but that they should politically belong to the same group of states as the kingdoms and principalities of feudal Europe. Some of the bestknown members of the group belong to the Tenebrionidae, a large a FIG. It is possible, however, that those oviducts belong to a separate morphological category, more comparable to the dorsal pores and to abdominal pores in some fishes. Some fine churches belong to this period, such as St Martin's-in-the-Fields (1726), the Corinthian portico of which rises on the upper part of Trafalgar Square; but other examples are regrettable. For each conjugated form, such a sentence example is displayed. To this period also belong the labours of Richard Pococke and Richard Dalton, Richard Chandler, E. But the numerous vertically excavated tombs outside the walls are of late date and belong for the most part to the Roman period. To this category will belong the oviducts in Teleostean fishes and probably the gonad ducts in several groups of invertebrates. For example, in the sentence, "Shyla can ride her sister's bicycle," the helping verb can stands in front of ride, which is the main verb. The finest specimens of cutglass belong to the period between 1780 and 1810. For example: He and his family belong to a Baptist church. Many of the reliefs belong to the best period of Greek art. [intransitive] to feel comfortable and happy in a particular situation or with a particular group of people I don't feel as if I belong here. To it belong (a) superficial grooves or deeper slits situated on the integument near the tip of the head, (b) nerve lobes in immediate connexion with the nervous tissue of the brain, and (c) ciliated ducts penetrating into the latter and communicating with the former. The only point still remaining undecided is whether the valleys of the Bom-kemchik (a tributary of the Yenisei) and its left-hand tributaries do not belong geographically to the Altai region. When two organs can be traced along the same line of descent to one primitive form, that is when they are found to be mono phyletic, their homology is complete; when, however, they are traceable to two primitive forms, though these forms belong to the same morphological series, they are polyphyletic and therefore only incompletely homologous. Their language, which is neither monosyllabic nor tonic, has nothing in common with that of the MonAnnam group. 28 a descends entire in order of primogeniture, and by preference to the male heir; the emperor and his consort must belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church; the emperor can wear no crown that entails residence abroad. Though the plateau region was settled soon after the arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico, there are large districts on the southern and Pacific slopes that still belong almost exclusively to the Indians. Present Progressive Tense. These baboons appear to belong to the Nubian species, but they cannot be considered indigenous to any part of Tunisia. Some of the metamorphic rocks may belong to the older Palaeozoic period, but the greater part of the series is probably Archaean. Real sentences showing how to use Belong correctly. The tendrils of a vetch and of a cucumber are analogous, and also homologous because they both belong to the category leaf; but they are only analogous to the tendrils of the vine and of the passion-flower, which belong to the category stem. These workers belong in a different category. "He has arrived." However, they belong respectively to two different forms in the life-history of the plants; the leaves of the mosses are borne by the gametophyte, those of the club-mosses by the sporophyte. belong verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. Learn more. The systematic theosophy of Plotinus and his successors does not belong to the present article, except so far as it is the presupposition of their mysticism; but, inasmuch as the mysticism of the medieval Church is directly derived from Neoplatonism through the speculations of the pseudo-Dionysius, Neoplatonic mysticism fills an important section in any historical review of the subject. The folds are approximately parallel to those of the Taurus, and geologically these mountains may be said to belong to that range.'. • I felt I belonged there - I was important there. These belong to the families Rhipidophoridae and Meloidae. 2 verb You say that something belongs to a particular person when you are guessing, discovering, or ... grammar category or usage examples, and which can be searched through an index or a search engine. Examples. The arrangements of the stage and orchestra as we now see them belong to Roman times; the cavea or auditorium dates from the administration of the orator Lycurgus (337-323 B.C. Here are some more examples of state verbs: State Verbs. Each simple form consists of a stem to which an ending is added. to be in the right place When you’ve finished, put the cassettes back where they belong. Learning verb and noun collocations is one of the best ways to make your English sound more natural. The name, however, is so obscured by myth and fable as scarcely to belong to history. → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus belong • Can you put that back where it belongs? Examples of inalienable nouns are father or shadow or hair. • Toussaint had no toys and never asked to play with those belonging to others. That house belongs to me. We commonly use this phrasal verb to say that something is connected to something else or to a place or a time or a person. The Annamese is the worst-built and ugliest of all the IndoChinese who belong to the Mongolian race. Again war all but broke out; but, through the intervention of France, a treaty of partition was signed at Constantinople on the 23rd of June 1724, whereby the shores of the Caspian from the junction of the Kur and the Arras (Araxes) northwards should belong to Russia, while the western provinces of Persia should fall to the share of Turkey. Structure. [=whales are mammals, not fish; whales are classified as mammals] She and her husband are a perfect couple. a) This property is/was belongs/belong to us. The symbol means belongs to. "We belong upon the face of the earth," explained the Wizard, "but recently, during an earthquake, we fell down a crack and landed in the Country of the Mangaboos.". To this group belong a number of tropical and especially South African genera such as Albuca, Urginea, Drimia, Lachenalia and others. Tiberius, who spent the last ten years of his life at Capri, built no fewer than twelve villas there; to these the great majority of the numerous and considerable ancient remains on the island belong. Garrod in 1876 and 1877 who finally divested the Family of these aliens, but until examples of some of the other genera have been anatomically examined it may not be safe to say that they all belong to the Pteroptochidae. In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. The details of Van Buren's administration belong to the history of the United States. To belong is defined as being a member, to fit in or be suitable for. 17 belong to later insertions and that Ezr. It, too, was alone now, somewhere it didn't belong. Earn: He earns three times more than me. (Can we add an example for this sense?) James is seeing Marsha. belong definition: 1. to be in the right place: 2. to feel happy and comfortable in a place or with a group of…. A person like that does not belong in teaching. Of these 11 governments, 17 - provinces and 1 district (Sakhalin) belong to Asiatic vincial Russia. The house … In the first sentence, the verb acts as a copular verb. Sentences with verb gehören. They usually relate to thoughts, emotions, relationships, senses, states of being and measurements. Example of verb acting as copular and action verb: Example verb: to taste The food tasted delicious. In the aeneolithic necropolis of Anghelu Ruju, near Alghero, of 63 skulls, 53 belong to the" Mediterranean " dolico-mesocephalic type and i o to a Eurasian brachycephalic type of Asiatic origin, which has been found in prehistoric tombs of other parts of Europe. Can I ever not belong to Rhyn now that I do? The Cordillera of Merida is one of the branches of the Andes, and the strike of the folds which compose it is usually from south-west to north-east. It began to be recognized also that stereotyped punishments, such as belong to penal codes, fail to take due account of the particular condition of an offence and the character and circumstances of the offender. Examples for using the conjugation of the verb gehören. cross paths. The shells which have been found in them indicate that they belong for the most part to the Oligocene period. These resources rightfully belong to all Brazilians. (followed by to) To be a part of a group. The stem is the part that carries the meaning of the verb. In Cypripedium two stamens are present, one on each side of the column instead of one only at the top, as in the group Monandreae, to which belong the remaining genera in which also only two stigmas are fertile. Of these 2 000, or a good deal more than half, belong to the order Passeriformes. Verbs and nouns have a lot of fixed collocations that are set phrases. The flora and fauna belong for the most part to those of New Zealand, on which colony the islands are also politically dependent, having been annexed in 1887. A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state. The land-snails which have no gill-plume in the mantle-chamber and breathe air, but have the sexes separated, and possess an operculum, belong to the orders Aspidobranchia and Pectinibranchia, and constitute the families Helicinidae, Proserpinidae, Hydrocenidae, Cyclophoridae, Cyclostomatidae and Aciculidae. Examples are permission, obligation, lack of necessity, possibility, ability, prohibition, advice and probability. The insects belong to the family Elateridae, whose characters are described under Coleoptera. (Aller / To go) The bad news is that the French verbs in this group are all irregular and that their conjugation must be learned individualy. (of a person) To be accepted in a group. (I see him with my eyes.) The order Lemnaceae to which they belong 1, Lemna minor (Lesser Duckstamen, and a female flower, weed) nat. The sculptures belong to a primitive period of art. • As if we were all adopted, no one belonged anywhere. In addition to the smelting works at Cerro de Pasco there are other large works at Casapalca, between Oroya and Lima, which belong to a British company, and smaller plants at Huallanca and Huinac. To the same school belong Louis Bartok, Anton Varadi and Alexander Somlo. Rule 1. Correct: Sohra plays the guitar every day. Referring to the esters C9H1802 previously mentioned, it is seen that the highest boilingpoints belong to methyl octoate and octyl formate, the least symmetrical, while the minimum belongs to amyl butyrate, the most symmetrical. The track I saw was too big to belong to a cat. At Duba some limestones may belong to the Lower Cretaceous. These basins belong, one to the Cilician river-system, and the other to the Euphratean. Religion.-Most of the Russians and the Georgians belong to the Orthodox Greek Church (over 4,000,000 in all); but considerable numbers (estimated at nearly 122,000, though in reality probably a good many more) are Nonconformists of different denominations. The remains of the amphitheatre are scanty; many of its stones have gone to build the city wall, which must, therefore, at the earliest belong to the end of the classical period. The species of the Of d World which, though commonly called "grosbeaks," certainly belong to the family Ploceidae, are treated under WEAVER-BIRD. Diamond is the hardest substance. Emphasize: I want to emphasize this point in particular. The predicate adjective, “delicious,” is a subject complement to the food. Works of this description probably belong to the period when Egypt passed under Roman domination, as similar objects, though of inferior delicacy, appear to have been made in Rome. verb intransitive (of a person) To be accepted in a group. They may prove eventually to belong to other orders. The influence of the Australian realm is indicated by a Megapode in Celebes, another in Borneo and Labuan, and a third in the Nicobar islands (which, however, like the Andamans, belong to the Indian province), but there are no cockatoos, these keeping strictly to the other side of Wallace's line, whence we started on this survey of the world's avifauna. As indications that the conditions described in Membranipora and Cribrilina are of special significance may be noted the fact that the ancestrula of many genera which have well-developed compensation-sacs in the rest of their zooecia is a Membranipora-like individual with a series of marginal calcareous spines, and the further fact that a considerable proportion of the Cretaceous Cheilostomes belong either to the Membraniporidae or to the Cribrilinidae. All belong to the " archaic " epoch; only a few remains of the greater age were found, including some fragments of sculptures from the Parthenon and Erechtheum. ), and nothing is left of the theatre in which the plays of Sophocles were acted save a few small remnants of polygonal masonry. To this type of glass belong many of the Jacobite glasses which commemorate the old or the young Pretender. Examples of belong in a Sentence She was here for 15 years, but she never really belonged. We use 'am' or 'was' with the pronoun 'I'. C. de Candolle finds that with one exception the species belong to genera represented in one or other of the Indian peninsulas. belonged definition: 1. past simple and past participle of belong 2. to be in the right place or a suitable place: 3…. Only to the Roman Catholic Church belong several nationalities. These babies might not be in her womb, but they did belong to Alex. An alienable noun is something that does not belong to a person indefinitely. English Verb - To Belong Infinitive - to belong Present participle - belonging Past participle - belonged 1. She didn't belong in the human world anymore, and yet, she couldn't just dump it. But on leaving the colors the men disperse to their homes, and thus a regiment has, on mobilization, to draw largely on the nearest reservists, irrespective of the corps to which they belong. We commonly use this phrasal verb to say that something is connected to something else or to a place or a time or a person.For example: Fred, it could belong to anyone on that street, or someone visiting. How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter.