If a language form is used by the upper class, society automatically esteems it over other forms and views it as the supreme option, even though it does not necessarily allow us to communicate or express ourselves better than other forms. Accessed 1 April 2017. Establishing a standard language ultimately shapes the standard ‘reality’ of the people (Fairclough 203-4). What Is Koineization (or Dialect Mixing)? Language standardisation and language change: The dynamics of Cape Dutch. The effects of language standardization on acceptance and use are explored using the four constructs of Venkatesh et al.’s (2003) Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) – effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions – as a conceptual framework and guide in the analysis. The basic objectives of the academy were: In a further effort to standardise the language of the country, Koldo Mitxelena proposed a set of guidelines for the new language standard in 1968. For one, it was the Industrial Revolution – a period of great social, political, and economical change in Great Britain. ", "English, of course, developed a standard variety by relatively 'natural' means, over the centuries, out of a kind of consensus, due to various social factors. James and Lesley Milroy expressed that language standardisation does not symbolise an actual end-product, but rather, a significant process with no completion. The latter, in contrast, are then stigmatized for using non-standard dialects. selection and codification) as well as the social and communicative functions of language (status planning, i.e. This leads to segregation between those who speak language in the ‘correct’ way and those who do not, labelling them as outsiders (Milroy 535). Hence the prestige and legitimacy of a ‘standard’ does not in the first instance, as Chinese exists in a number of varieties that are popularly called dialects but that are usually classified as separate languages by scholars. It is an ongoing historical process that develops a standard written and oral language to be practiced by everyone in a society. What is language standardisation? Language can have scores of characteristics but the following are the most important ones: language is arbitrary, productive, creative, systematic, vocalic, social, non-instinctive and conventional. In sociolinguistics, language variety—also called lect—is a general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistic expression. Located in northern Spain, the community saw themselves as autonomous given their diverse historical roots and cultural groups within the country. Thus, those who refuse or cannot acquire the standard language properly are marginalised in the society, further widening the language gap. Despite being associated with the upper class and being well-educated, most recent reports suggest that this form is practiced by a mere 2% of the population (British Library Board). Standardization of language course is considered very important in the process of language planning. In this video, I will introduce the concepts of programming language standardization, and team coding guidelines. Particularly the older, conservative delegates believed it to be a pointless addition of an alphabet that could not be pronounced (Elkartea 34). Language varieties gain prestige when its speakers possess high social standing. The term re-standardization refers to the ways in which a language may be reshaped by its speakers and writers. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. WordPress, 9. This cultural evolution gives rise to an interesting phenomenon known as ‘language standardisation’. Latin didn't diverge much till the end of the Roman empire in the fifth century, but then as it lived on as the spoken language throughout Europe, it began to diverge somewhat into multiple 'Latins.' Language Standardisation:Basque Recovery II. With increasing literacy rates to match this language demand, citizens could advance from primary to secondary level, manufacturing-related occupations. 2010. “Political correctness’: The politics of culture and language.” Discourse &. “Standardization” of Language in ELT Context. “Language Ideologies and the Consequences of Standardisation”. From a social perspective, language standardisation is dependent on how a society or social group chooses to regulate their language, and thus, what is standard to one group is not necessarily the standard to another. Chinese languages, principal language group of eastern Asia, belonging to the Sino-Tibetan language family. This means that the mean of the attribute becomes zero and the resultant distribution has a unit standard deviation. Language Ideologies and Media Discourse: Texts, Practices, Politics, ed. It is an ongoing historical process that develops a standard written and oral language to be practiced by everyone in a society. It is the choices societies make that result in differing languages. A&C Black. In line with the said, the stands of several linguists about the a/s phenomena are presented as the They believed that the promotion of the standard was “essential to turn Basque into a modern instrument”, 61% of the 196 Basque writers that were interviewed used the standard language in their writings for they believed in the “need to convert the language into an instrument of culture”. A standard language is a language variety that has undergone substantial codification of grammar and usage and is employed by a population for public communication. British Library Board. Accessed 10 March 2017. Formulation: setting the goals of the policy. There are different regional dialects, class dialects, situationalvarieties. "The interaction of power, language, and reflections on language inextricably bound up with one another in human history, largely defines language standardization. One example of standardization is the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)GAAPGAAP, or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, is a commonly recognized set of rules and procedures designed to govern corporate account… The standardisation of language does not only unify the various dialects and sub-dialects of Basque, but also symbolises the unification of a society with diverse, and presumably hazy, historical roots. The Basque case study is significant not only for the fact that it is relatively recent but that it also reflects Milroy & Milroy’s conception that a language standard is not an end-product to be achieved, but rather, it is a process of development that the society embarks on. S. Rayjashree of the Project on Modernization and Language Development at the Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, Honolulu, for what I … One point to note is that human language does not necessarily need to divide into different forms. Structural Features of Language and Language Use ... of standardization in technical set-tings. Therefore, language standardisation is never stagnant or complete, but will continue revising itself as long as the language is still in use. Standardization is another scaling technique where the values are centered around the mean with a unit standard deviation. However, as the use of ‘h’ were valued by the northern Basque writers and speakers, Mitxelena saw the importance of its inclusion in the standard language. Prof Feng’s presentation put this kind of standardization policy in context, explaining that minority language standardization itself follows a standard (and not necessarily responsive) procedure in China. This essentially re-emphasises that language standardisation is a process, not an end-result. Such networks proved particularly important for innovations requiring collaboration. STANDARDIZING? 3.3 The Process of Language Standardization Standardization is a necessary and vital process in any language. creating a type-able Unicode). March 2015, Dudleylm.files.wordpress.com. The British standard held sway throughout the world until very recently, when some other countries began to first accept and then to teach American orthography and lexical choices. (domains, timetables, territorial extent, etc.) Indeed, the process of standardisation is an on-goingone,and a whole range of forces are at work. Lastly, a writing system is established to prescribe this language (along with official dictionaries and guidebooks). A Little Book of Language. Development in these areas create pressure to establish regularity in other areas, such as currency and language, to facilitate and increase efficiency in communication between countries. Fast-forwarding to the nineteenth century, the people pf Basque expressed an increasing desire to preserve the nation’s language culture with all its diversities. Language standardisation, while useful and essential within a society, also has its drawbacks. It can be argued quite reasonably that there is no real point in standardizing to the extent where, as is often the case in English-speaking communities, children spend many hours learning to spell in an exactly uniform manner, where any spelling mistake is the subject of opprobrium or ridicule, and where derivations from the standard are interpreted as incontrovertible evidence of ignorance.)". Language standardization is often looked to by language communities as a means for language maintenance and strengthening cultural integrity, yet it may also contribute to varying degrees of linguistic discrimination and social conflict. We need not thinkof them as being chronological. Societies themselves pick their own standard forms of language, and hence, different societies in different places, and of different cultures, can all pick vastly different (or even somewhat similar) language forms to adhere to. "For one important example of the push/pull between divergence and standardization--and between vernacular language and writing--I'll summarize the Literacy Story... about Charlemagne, Alcuin, and Latin. Romper, 25 March 2016, https://www.romper.com/p/rihannas-work-lyrics-use-creole-patois-totally-confusing-music-critics-7707. Standardization may occur as a natural development of a language in a speech community or as an effort by members of a community to impose one dialect or variety as a standard. Those whom have accepted and are familiarised with the standard language can engage in discourse (Deumert 2), so to generate knowledge about communicative methods and processes. Standardization or standardization is a process that takes place in stages; was not completely finished. by Sally Johnson and Tommaso M. Milani. Thus, keep in mind that language standardisation is a conscious course of development that produces both good and bad effects. Thus, it is crucial to understand that the standard language forms are not universal, and they can still have varieties across different regions.